Jour 1
Septembre 24, 2024
Jour 2
Septembre 25, 2024
08:30 - 09:30
Hôtel Laico

Reception and Registration

09:30 - 10:15

Welcome Address

Mrs Fatma THABET CHIBOUB Minister of Industry, Mines, and Energy

Official Opening

S.E M. Kamel MADOURI Head of Gobernment

Keynote Speeches

Mr. Gianfranco Bochicchio Chargé d’Affaires of the European Union Delegation to Tunisia
Dr. Angela WILKINSON Secretary-General and CEO of the World Energy Council -WEC (Online Intervention)
Mr. Abdallah Al DARDARI Assistant Secretary-General and Director of the Regional Bureau for Arab States, UNDP (Online Intervention)
Mr. Neji El GHANDRI President of the Banking and Financial Council (CBF)
Mr. Samir MAJOUL President of the Tunisian Confederation of Industry, Trade, and Handicrafts (UTICA)

Announcing the Launch of the DecarboACT Platform

Mr. Fethi HANCHI Director General of the National Agency for Energy Management (ANME)
10:15 - 10:30

Booth Visits and Media Statements / Coffee Break

10:30 - 11:30

Plenary Session 1:
Regional Policies for Ecological Transition and Decarbonization

This session will address the challenges and regional experiences in implementing energy transition policies as a solution for decarbonization, as well as national strategies for energy and climate transition.

Chair : Mr. Habib ABID Minister of the Environment
MEDREC Reporter
Panelists :
Mr. Fethi HANCHI Director General of ANME- Tunisia
Ms Roberta BONIOTTI Secretary General of MEDENER – Italy
Mr. Jauad El KHARRAZ Executive Director of RCREEE – Egypt (Online Intervention)
Dr. Houda Ben JANNET ALLAL General Director for Organization (OMEC) – France
Ms Cécile COUPRIE Regional Director for North Africa AFD – France
Mr. Philippe MASSET Director of Europe and International (DEI) at ADEME – France
  • Climate Policy in Tunisia: Between Realism and Ambition
  • Implementation of Energy Transition Policies: Regional Experiences and Challenges
  • National Energy and Climate Transition Policies
  • Link between Energy Transition and Decarbonization
  • Regional Initiatives for Decarbonization in the Mediterranean
  • Challenges of Decarbonization in Tunisia
  • Role of the Private Sector in Decarbonization and Energy Transition
11:30 - 12:45

Plenary Session 2:
International Framework for Decarbonization

This session will cover the international framework of climate change, energy transition, and decarbonization.

Chair : Mr. Samir ABDELHAFIDH Minister of Economy and Planning
MEDREC Reporter
Mr. Andrea CAMPONOGARA UNFCCC RCC Global Lead– Germany
Ms Nigar ARPADERA President of the Race to Zero initiative, UN Climate Change High-Level Champion for COP29 – Azerbaijan (Online Intervention)
Ms Radia SEDAOUI Head of Energy Cluster, Climate Change and Natural Resource Sustainability, UNRCWS – Lebanon
Ms Silvia CRESCIMBENI Regional Climate Diplomacy Focal Point for MENA, EU DG Climate- Belgium (Online Intervention)
Mr. Rashid Ali Abdallah Executive Director of AFREC / African Union (Online Intervention)
Mr. Miguel Rodrigo GONZALO Director of Knowledge, New Business Models and Competitiveness – IDEA – Spain
Dr. Athir NOUICER Program Officer, IRENA
  • Decarbonization Status
  • Climate Policies: EU Country Commitments and Their Implications for  Southern Mediterranean Countries (e.g., climate challenges: carbon neutrality, MACF)
  • Legal Framework for Decarbonization: International Requirements
  • Cross-border Decarbonization Initiatives: Approach, Instruments, and Objectives
12:45 - 13:00

Signing of Agreements

13:00 - 14:00

Lunch Break

14:00 - 15:15

Session 3
Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy: Opportunities for the Transition to a Carbon-Neutral Mediterranean

This session will address the crucial role of energy efficiency and renewable energy in the transition towards a carbon-neutral Mediterranean. Panelists will discuss best practices, technological innovations and the positive economic and environmental impacts associated with these technologies in the Mediterranean region

Chair: Ms Fatma THABET CHIBOUB Minister of Industry, Mines, and Energy
Moderator : Mr. Sami MARROUKI Energy Climate Expert
MEDREC Reporter
Panelists :
Mr. Merouane CHABANE Director General of APRUE – Algeria
Mr. Nafaa BACCARI Director of Solar Energy, ANME – Tunisia
Mr. Nelson LAGE President of the Board of Directors of ADENE – Portugal
Mr. Mostafa HASSANEEN Sustainable Energy Expert – RCREEE – Egypt
Mr. Kamel HENDAOUI Director General BMN- Ministry of Industry– Tunisia
Mr. Amin CHTIOUI Head of the TETA / GIZ Program – Tunisia
  • Energy efficiency: Pillar of decarbonization in the Mediterranean
  • New technologies: Towards more efficient energy production
  • Role of solar photovoltaic in decarbonization in the Mediterranean region
  • Mixed PV production and cogeneration : Synergies and advantages
  • Economic models and financing to support photovoltaic self-consumption (e.g.: PROSL ELEC, PROSL ELEC-social-economic, TEEP…)
  • Technological development in the field of photovoltaics: New trends and advances
15:15 - 16:30

Session 4
Electromobility in the Mediterranean: Towards Decarbonized and Sustainable Mobility

This session will explore the challenges and opportunities of electromobility in the Mediterranean, focusing on technological trends, necessary infrastructure, supportive public policies, and regional collaborations for sustainable mobility in the region.

Chair : Mr. Rachid AMRI Minister of Transport
Moderator : Mr. Rafik MISSAOUI Energy and Climate Expert ALCOR – Tunisia
MEDREC Reporter
Panélistes :
Mr. Abdelhamid GANNOUNI Director of Energy Efficiency in Transport and Agriculture, ANME- Tunisia
Mr. Yoshinari SUZUKI Industrial Development Officer, Division of Decarbonization and Sustainable Energy, UNIDO – Austria (Online Intervention)
Mr. Miguel Rodrigo GONZALO Director of Knowledge, New Business Models and Competitiveness – IDEA – Spain
Mr. Firas ALAWNEH Sustainable Energy Expert / x-Director of NERC-Jordan
Mr. Ibrahim DABBECHE President of the Union of Vehicle Dealers and Rolling Stock Manufacturers at UTICA – Tunisia
Mr. Nabhen BOUCHAALA President of Tunisian Automotive Association (TAA) – Tunisia
  • Smart Electromobility: Evolution of Trends and Infrastructure Challenges
  • Promoting Electromobility in the Mediterranean: Objectives and Strategies
  • Public Policies and Incentives to Boost the Adoption of Electromobility
  • Regional Collaboration for Decarbonized Mobility: Examples of Best Practices
  • Technology and Innovation in Electric and Hybrid Vehicles
16:30 - 17:00

Coffee Break

17:00 - 18:00

Session 5
Circularity: A Catalyst for Decarbonization

This session will explore how the circular economy can serve as a catalyst for decarbonization in the Mediterranean region, focusing on innovations, policies, and collaborations needed to transform economic models toward a more sustainable and climate-friendly approach.

Chair : Ms Céline MOYROUD UNDP Resident Representative in Tunisia
Moderator : Mr. Mounir MAJDOUB Sustainable Development Strategy Expert
MEDREC Reporter
Panelists :
Mr. Thomas PITAUD Head of the Nature, Climate Change and Energy (NCE) Unit of the Regional Bureau (RBAS-UNDP)
Mr. Malik KERKAR Director of Carbon Projects – SUEZ CLIMATE SOLUTIONS – France
Mr. Ahmed HUZAYYIN Director of the Eco-Industry Department – CHEMONICS EGYPT & Professor of Electrical Engineering, Cairo University – Egypt
Mr. Raed AYARI Senior Engineer at CITET – Tunisia
Mr. Mohamed Wali Director General, BI-NERGY – Tunisia
Mr. Selim KANZARI Director General, METHANIA – Tunisia
  • Concept and Importance of the circular economy
  • Levers to make the circular economy a driver of decarbonization
  • Technological innovations and practical solutions in the circular economy
  • Policies and regulations favoring the circular economy in the Mediterranean
  • Case studies of successful circular economy initiatives in reducing carbon emissions
  • Public-private collaboration to promote the circular economy and achieve climate goals
  • Public education and awareness about the benefits of the circular economy for decarbonization

End of the first day